Reply To: Rav Wolbe

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“When I studied in the Mir (Poland) there were 400 Bochurim in the Yeshiva, 100 of them were on the level that they could be Roshei Yeshiva. The objective in Yeshiva was to (translated)CHANGE,” Rabbi Wolbe said in a Shmuess.

[Changing; the Mashgiach elaborated at many other opportunities, refers to one’s adapting to the climate of the Yeshiva.

“The Yeshiva doesn’t want you to be ‘Frummer’, the Yeshiva doesn’t want you to be ‘Better’, the Yeshiva wants you to Change”, he would frequently quote the Alter of Slabodka. Changing means that one’s value system is not the same as it was when he entered Yeshiva. One’s interests, topics of conversation, goals in life are all formed and adapted by the Torah and the Rebbeim, not the street.]