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Here are two techniques that are for specific groups, but they might just work well for everybody. 1) Increase muscle mass, specifically upper body muscle (no simple thing over forty) by means of body weight exercise (no machines or gadgets) More muscle mass that you tone and use uses up more caloric energy just being there. This is really for guys wanting to get six pac bellies, but it is sound advice just the same. 2) A diet that you must stick to, and it is a lot of work shopping and prep. Raw food only, obviously plant based. Nothing cooked, low temp dehydrated is ok, and soaked and sprouted grains beans and peas is your protein source. This was tried on a group of lost cause diabetics, they were “locked in” in the sense that they had no other choice and could not run away. With moderate exercise over a three week period, most had lost weight and showed beter blood levels, some were able to go medication free or reduced meds. And welcome back eclipse