Reply To: Tefilin On Chol hamoed In Eretz Yisroel

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Tefilin On Chol hamoed In Eretz Yisroel Reply To: Tefilin On Chol hamoed In Eretz Yisroel


Whether practising a divergent custom from the prevalent view in a private minyan of your own is permitted or not, appears to be a machlokes between Rav Elyashiv and the Gra. Rav Elyashiv holds that wearing Tefillin in a private minyan is Assur. The Gra clearly held that it is not Lo Sisgodadu to hold a private Minyan of not-wearing Tefillin in a yes-wearing Tefillin city. Thus, the Gra held that a private Minyan is called B’tzin’a.