Reply To: Tefilin On Chol hamoed In Eretz Yisroel

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Tefilin On Chol hamoed In Eretz Yisroel Reply To: Tefilin On Chol hamoed In Eretz Yisroel


I am not saying here that people should go into a Shul where they don’t wear tefillin on chol hamoed and put them on. That is another issue. Of course we must respect each other and minhag hamokom.

I am saying that there is no single minhag hamokom in Eretz Yisroel that makes it ossur to wear tefillin on chol hamoed, or have a minyan for people wearing tefillin then, which is what was stated or implied earlier.

Eretz Yisroel is a melting pot (or gorgeous mosaic). There is no single minhog. There are different eidos with different botei dinim and different minhogim. Do Rav Ovadia and all the Sephardim follow minhogei haperushim/minhogei HaGR”A? Of course not! Do Chassidim follow all minhogei haGR”A? No.

So obviously there are different minhogim.

The same ligabei tefillin on chol hamoed, one may wear them, and many do so, including gedolim.