Reply To: Video being taken in Shul on Rosh HaShana

Home Forums Yom Tov Rosh Hashanah Video being taken in Shul on Rosh HaShana Reply To: Video being taken in Shul on Rosh HaShana


a) If somebody is videoing everything in front of him (without a motion sensor), and ??? ???? there will be a constant feed of everything in front of the camera, why does it make a difference if the video contains me in or not?

b) Does it make a difference if it is on a screen or not? (E.g. some CCTV cameras go straight to disk, not to a screen. Is that also kesiva? Even though there is nothing tangible except a few bytes?

c) How to people go to the Kosel on Shabbos/Yom Tov according to R’ Elyashiv? Or does he asser this?

d) B’mchilas Kvod Torosoi — did anybody ever tell/did R’ Elyashiv ever find out – how a screen works? Digital screens are totally different to the old type, and the disk doesn’t work with film anymore, where there is something tangible.