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Possible Remains of Bayis Sheni Found At Har Habayis

har habayis1.jpgRemains of the Bayis Sheni may have been found during work to lay pipes at the “Dome Of The Rock”, the AFP reported Thursday. Just yesterday, Yeshivaworld had reported (HERE) that Muslim workers were conducting work at the site, and Israeli archaeologists feared that serious damage could be done to priceless relics .

Today, an Israeli archaeologist visiting the site urged Israel to halt all work after an underground, massive seven metre-long wall was discovered. It is believed that the wall dates back to the Bayis Sheni.

(Source: Breitbart)

4 Responses

  1. Read WND today and you’ll see that the Israeli Government is not allowing its own people to examine the site. Hear no evil See no evil!

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