Reply To: Should The Wife Have Total Control Of The Home Internet?

Home Forums Family Matters Should The Wife Have Total Control Of The Home Internet? Reply To: Should The Wife Have Total Control Of The Home Internet?

m in Israel

I actually was advised by a Rosh Yeshiva in the New York area that if a frum family has a heter to have the internet in their home, they must have a filter (and yes, I triple the recommendation for K9 — it’s effective and free) AND the password should require input from both husband and wife — i.e. neither can go on without the other’s knowledge. This is not about which gender is more likely to be nichshal. It is simply being aware of the tremendous dangers of the internet and setting up precautions. Not that your spouse must hover over your shoulder, but just the fact that they are aware you are online is a psychological assistance in case of taava. “Al Tamin B’Atzmicha Ad Yom Moscha”