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Video – Chacham Ovadia Against Uman Rosh Hashana

Click HERE to watch a video of Chacham Ovadia Yosef Shlita urging people not to go to Uman for Rosh Hashana, but to spend Yom Tov with their families. This was reported last week HERE on YW and there were those that criticized YW and told us that his words were taken out of context. Here is the video. You be the judge.)

22 Responses

  1. It seems this was an address given to sefardim, followers of Rav Ovadia Yosef.

    He even says himself that he is not talking to the people who have that minhag to go. He says let them go, since its their minhag.

  2. What is the point to revisit the entire episode again? Those who go for spiritual growth will continue to go, those who go for ‘kef’ will rethink their decision, and a 3 day yom tov of Rosh Hashanah (strains even normal shalom bayis families) can push anyone to escape.

  3. *** G A D L U S ***

    Actually noone really mentioned that these comments were taken out of context. That was regarding the story titled

    “Chacham Ovadia Yosef Causes An Uproar”

    which begins as follows….

    “In his weekly Motzei Shabbos Drasha, Chacham Yosef said that IDF troops killed in the Second Lebanon War lost their lives because of their lack of religious observance.”

    Regarding Uman on Rosh Hashana Chacham Ovadia said what he said for jews that are not Chassidim of Breslov by heritage.

    Not much to judge…

  4. He keeps saying “why go to Uman?”

    Not saying I agree with going, but according to the Breslovers, there is a lot of reason for people to go. If he wants to discredit those reasons, its one thing, but to keep saying there is no reason, leads one to believe he doesnt understand the entire inyan.
    Also he says that R’H is a time of happiness and going to a cemetary is not happy.
    From what I hear, the people that go to Uman are VERY happy. I could hear the argument of staying with family but for Chassidim, Rosh Hashannah was always a time of being with the Ztaddik even if it meant traveling away from family. I know he is not talking to Chassidim but according to the Breslovers you dont have a be a Chassid in order for Rev Nacmhan to help.

  5. does he promes what reb nachman did for those that come to him for rosh hashana that one can be zocheh to do “teshuva shlaima” if thay come to him for rosh hashana and reb nachman said that about every one that comes not only bresliver chasidim since reb ovadya does not promes that for those who stay home you tell me who would you rather listen to
    2nd of all since reb ovadya does not promes that and he is telling poeple to stay home its like he IS HOLDING BACK POEPLE FROM DOING TESHUVE.
    think twice befor you decide who to listen to.

  6. Daas Torah from Gedolim is Daas Torah whether we agree with it or not.That’s why Daas Torah is unique because the Gedolim are more infused with Hashem than the rest of us. So “way to go” or disagreeing is just us saying in other words that our feeble minds have to agree or else.

  7. oh so the way to tshuva shelma is going to uman ?!!

    How do we know ? Because Rav Nachman supposedly said that.
    This is why Breslov “chassidus” is so dangerous. It makes up things that have no mekor and really stops people from teshuva shlema.

  8. Number 7, all your typos aside, your post borders on blasphemy. Today there are real Gedolim who guide Sefardim, real Gedolim who guide Ashkenazim, real Gedolim who guide nearly every Chasidisher sect.
    I’m not aware of a real Gadol who guides today’s Breslovers, (or Chabadskers for that matter).
    Most of what goes on today in both these sects are “supposedly” what the previous Rebbes have said, with no way to truly verify the veracity of these Minhagim, as each contemporary leader in these sects twists the legacy to suit their own agendas.
    Even within these sects there are harsh arguments as to what exactly the “intent” of the now-deceased leaders meant.
    Without a contemporary Gadol in place who can clearly give over the Mesorah of a particular faction of Klal Yisroel, that faction’s actions need to be seriously considered before they are adopted.

  9. By the way Eliezer the Breslovers have as a Rov one of the gedolei hador by the name of Maran Harav Yakov Meir Schechter Slit”a. He is the one who guides them. So If I was you I would take back your words!

  10. I stand corrected then. I’ve never heard of him, but that means nothing.
    Has Reb Schechter said that everyone should go to Uman for Rosh Hashonah? Does he go?

  11. Breslov has gadolim and has leaders that Guide it. After the Rebbe was niftar the chassidus divided up into chaburas under the leadership of the Rebbe’s 7 main talmidim. In Breslov today that system still exists: there are about 6 or seven Chaburas, each under the leadership of one of the Gadole Toirah of Breslov (I.e. Rav Yaakov Meir Schechter). When it comes to matters that affect the chassidus as a whole, the leaders come together as a Vaad to discuss and vote regarding issues. The main chaburas today are: Rav Schechter, Rav Kenig (tsfas), Rav Berland, Rav Liebermentsch, Rav Arush, Rav Shick, and Rav Shmuel Moshe Kramer.

    Rabbeinu z”l was very insistent that a chossid have a living manhig, rebbe, or rav to go to (this insistence is a theme throughout his seforim). The Roshei Chabura fullfill this role nowadays. If you meet someone who claims to simply be a “chossid of the Reb Nachman” without a living rav or manihig, that person is NOT a Breslover.

    Incidentally, #6 – Breslov is not insistent that everyone go to Uman. This hanhaga was explicitly for the Chasside Breslov. Much like Rav Moshe ztz’l and Rav Yosef, I also wonder why non-Breslovers are going. The rebbe did make a havtacha to help anyone who came to his kever, gave a peruta, and said certain tehillim, but this hanhogo is seperate totally from traveling there on rosh hashonna. Rosh Ha-Shanno is for the chassidim.

    #7 – What you are saying doesn’t make much sense. Going to the Rebbe’s kever is not a guarantee for “teshuva sheleima” and I dont know what your source for this is.

    # 12 – Arguably, the ikkar of going to the rebbe’s kever is EREV Rosh ha-Shanna, not on Rosh ha-Shanna itself, so there is not a question about going to the Bais ha-Chaim on yom tov. And even if there is, it is a debatable prohibition that one cannot not go to a bais ha-chaim on yomtov. Even if it is an absolute prohibition, where the rebbe is buried now no longer has the status of a beis ha-chaim.

  12. Rav Yaakov Meir Shechter is big in the Moetzes Gadolei Toirah of EY. His picture is on many of the Tzedaka brochures in the US alongsides Rav Kanievsky, Rav Eliashiv, and Rav Shteinman. For most of the mesoiradikeh Breslov velt, he is THE manhig of Breslov. The Rav is also the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Shaar Shamoyim and Rosh Kollel of the Kollel of the Kosel.

    I am a talmid of the Rav and can attest that he is absolutely insistent that Breslov chassidim go to Uman for Rosh ha-shanno. His attitude toward non-Breslov Chassidim going for Uman is ambivalent at best. However, he has encouraged non-Breslovers to visit the Kever and recite tehillim there (not on Rosh ha-Shanno, though). The Rav used to travel to Uman every RH, but has ceased traveling anywhere due to a severe heart condition and overall frail health.

  13. Thank you eliezer for your well spoken statement.Ofcourse most supposed Breslovers who go to uman have never met R Y M Schecter nor go to him for hadracha. They don’t need hadracha because they get it from rabbenu in shamyim who supposedly will pull them outof gehenim by their payos.this whole 6 or 7 chabura thing is good p r but everyone knows that breslove is a do what ever you want philosophy and that is why it is popular. They made a fatal flaw error 200 yrs ago by rejecting a mamshich to lead them. That opened themselves up to being the depository for burtout zionists and hippes. To call this group chassidim is to have no historical clue as to what the word means. There is no nor has there ever been chassidus without a living Rebbe. Period. The fact that it is pulled in all diff directions proves that not having a Rebbe was and is wrong

  14. Bresover,
    Which Chaburah was Rabbi Odesa the baal mechaber of Na-Nach etc from and which Rosh Chabura gave his approval to thatbit of craziness?
    Also, all the nuts that have taken up residence dancing and diluting the kedusha at most kevarim around Eretz Yisroel which Chabura are they part of?

  15. #22 “Z” – Please don’t comment negatively about anything, any group, especially Breslov(as it pertains to this blog) without knowing the facts.

    Rabeinu insisted in the need to find a Tzadik/Rav to guide you. Practically ALL his teachings are based on this. We do have leaders (Rav Shiek,aka MoHoRoSH, from Yavniel is mine) that lead back Rabeinu’s time, starting with Reb Noson of Nemirov. Breslov Chasidut IS NOT a “do whatever you want philosophy.” In fact, Rabeinu forbids any type of “philosofical” ideas.

    We follow the acronym of SiMCHaH. SHin-Shulchan Aruch, Mem-Mikveh, Chet-tikkun CHatzot, Hey-Hitbodedut.(This I learned from my leader, Rav Sheik) We follow this EVERYDAY.

    Please don’t make foolish statements of a group you have NO clue about. Don’t judge an entire movement by a few who unfortunately don’t know any better for the time being. Instead, try practicing Lesson #282 in Rabbi Nachman’s Likutey Moharan (called “Azamra”) and judge EVERYONE favorably. Maybe with this, you can help them literally go from the side of rasha to z’chut.

    As far as ANYONE, no matter who it is, speaking against Rabeinu, he said, “Whoever starts up with me even slightly will never be able to clease himself with the Seven Waters.”(see Chayei MoHaRaN #332)

    He said, “A Chidush like has never been or ever will be!”

    “Flowing Brook Source of Wisdom” – “Nachal Novea Mekor Chochmah”-first letters spell of each word spell NaCHMaN.

    BS”H I will merit to be with Rabeinu in Uman once again. “Ashreinu…..”

    L’Shanah Tovah to all.

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