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Chabad – Wearing tzitzis straight and unfolded [therefor they dont tuck in their shirts].

Tzanz – The Rebbe throws apples on neilas hachag of Simchas Torah.

Baal Shem and Talmidim – All used to daven Netz until the Bnei Yissochors time.

Belzers – wear long black socks on shabbos [these days during the week aswell.

Universal – eating Patchar and galleretta on shabbos morning.

Universal – to make the egg and onion at the Shabbos table.

Gerrers and most Polish chassidus’s – dont make a fuss out of tu bishvat [there was never any fruit in poland so they dont have the minhag.]

More reasons for eating the fish with hands:

1.Uvechol degei hayom beyedchem nitonu [ possuk in noach].

2. Hand has been in mikvah more times than the fork.