Reply To: Last line of Tamid Nishchat

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I at first made the same Diyuk in Rashi as you did, HaLeiVi. But it could be that Rashi is merely stressing the derogatory aspect of it, and no that it ought not to be done. The Rosh Yosef suggests that Rav Ilish is giving the reason why it is Asur to carry the Pesach home on Shabbos; it is Uvda d’Chol. The Tzelach suggests that is teaching that the Pesach was skinned whole, even on Shabbos (Ayein Shabbos 116-117 and Tosfos ibid. DH d’Shakil; The Tzelach Tainas that Rav Ilish is like the third Teirutz of Tosfos). The Yerios Shlomo sees here a Remez to the sale of Yosef to “Orchas Yishmaelim”, which was the root of why we ended up in Mitzrayim.