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Security Guard Stabbed At Tel Aviv Defense Ministry Building

mada2.jpgA guard at the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv was stabbed on Thursday afternoon while guarding the parking area of the main Defense Ministry building. According to the Jerusalem Post, the attacker, an unknown man who was estimated to be in his mid-30s, stabbed the guard, then fled in a vehicle. By the time he returned to the main entrance of the compound, the automatic security system had already closed the gate. However, due to unknown reasons, the gate was opened, and the suspect managed to escape.

Ynet News & Army Radio are reporting that an initial investigation revealed that the man was a technician at the base. He was apparently stopped by security guards at the entrance to the building after he aroused their suspicion. A quarrel broke out between the technician and one of the guards, and the technician then pulled out a screwdriver and stabbed him.

The guard was lightly injured and transported by MDA Medics to Sourasky Medical Center.

(Sources: Israeli Media)

3 Responses

  1. Shazam:
    If you use a gun in Israel you have a lot of explaining to do (even if you were in the right). I can also be that due to the injuries the guard was unable to fire back.

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