Reply To: Which middah should be worked on first?

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I would tell you to make a thorough list of what needs work. Whateved is a mitzvah doraysoh that’s what needs to be worked on first. Its very nice to be happy but if you aren’t being mekayem kibbud av vaeim then you are going against one of the aseres hadibros! So I would say first get your mitzvos straight then I think automatically the middos will improve. You can’t have kibbud av vaeim unless you do it joyfully its not kavod to do as they please witb a frown and “attitude” so automatically doing mitzvos properly fix our middos. However once you are being mekayem the mitzvod properly you can certainly then try to improve the individual middos even more. I will give you a big secret that I usually charge a lot for. Kidding but really it’d an important insight, there’s one midda that many people today are weak in and that is what ruins their relationship with themselves, their parents and friends and ultimately Hashem. That is the midda of appreciation. If you can learn to truly appreciate what Hashem gives you (and we are all being given gifts constantly at every moment) and appreciate the people in your life and really FEEL that hakaras hatov you will become truly great as a Jew and be someone that others will love admire and respect.


Mizmor lesoda we say ivdu es Hashem besimcha! Its from Tehillim!