Reply To: Why are there religious Jews who are pro-gay marriage?

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whats in a name, Obviously what you are saying is the truth.

I think this is part of what scares us (as perhaps it should), to the younger genration it isnt even a debate. Gay marriage is a done deal maximum ten years. The way we (well most of us) view interrarcial marriage is how our children will view gay marriage. This is a problem since it is called Toeiva so while of course there is nothing technically that would change if they are “married” or not, the issur mishkav zachar is completly independent of whether they c;aim they are “married” it is the accepting attitude that is fueling the misguided battle.

A greta example of this shift is opinions on “dont ask dont tell” It was originally suported by Democrats and opposed by Republicans who wanted a ban. a little over a decade later it is supported by Republicans and opposed by Democrats. The tide is shifting and unstopable and scares many.