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HaKatan,you wanted some Zionist answers, so here are a few circumstantial ones (which are *not* false ones): a Jewish nation-state crystallizing while the rest of Jewry faced annihilation (Holocaust) and deadly assimilation (America). Whacking combined Arab forces repeatedly. Being known by the CIA as *capable* of whacking combined Arab forces repeatedly. Having more shuls and shul-goers in its *least* religious towns than in nearly all communities in galus.
Now, what are your arguments? You say Jews have paid the ultimate price for this statehood. Right, statehood comes at this price, and until now countless Jews paid it for others’ statehood. Shmad? The poskim couldn’t agree about whether the Holocaust was shmad, so kal-va-homer Israel, where nearly every secular family has a hozer bi-tshuva and the most estranged Jew can open a sefer Torah and understand what it says. The rest of your arguments don’t even argue. “Rabbi Kaplan said,” “the Brisker Rov said,” and so on aren’t arguments; they relieve you of the need to make arguments (not). And “Hashem forbids it, period” is hutzpa from someone who screen-names himself HaKatan.