Reply To: "Like" button

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee "Like" button Reply To: "Like" button

☕ DaasYochid ☕

*don’t like*

Here’s why:

Many of us here in the CR are familiar with each other’s worldviews, so who agrees is more important than how many agree (I’m assuming that a *like* button merely tallies).

I generally won’t post a simple “I agree” or “I disagree” unless I have something to add to the discussion. On most every issue discussed here, a poll is not very important to me; if I hold a certain opinion, telling me that 77% of the people in the CR who chose to vote disagree with me will not change my mind. A thoughtful comment might.


As an aside, is their any veracity to a *like* button, or can one person hit it multiple times and skew the numbers?