Reply To: US Supreme Court recent rulings

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jewishfeminist02 -“No one is saying that we should condone gay people having affairs. But what is wrong with them going public? It may help them to get chizuk from others, and they can’t get chizuk if no one knows about their struggles.”

The Rav didn’t say you can’t tell anyone. He said you can’t publicize it. His Psak makes sense, whether you agree or not.

From above:

“Rav Schachter of YU that those homosexuals that are outspoken about their homosexual feelings and are proactive about it should be treated with no respect and one who does this should be considered as a rashsa gemurah while those who privately seek psychological help and perhaps tell select others their feelings in a modest way while admitting that the act is in no way permitted should be treated with compassion.