Reply To: How many grammatical and spelling errors have I made here? (Shudder, Shudder!)

Home Forums Humor & Entertainment How many grammatical and spelling errors have I made here? (Shudder, Shudder!) Reply To: How many grammatical and spelling errors have I made here? (Shudder, Shudder!)


If you go to one of the last 1-5 pages of the jokes thread, i posted a forward i got that reminded me of what Shticky wrote, if anyone digs fof it, post it here, it begins something like: the u.s. commision has decided to do some program with a five-year plan to make english into euro-english. It vrry funny.

Shticky, thats so cute! But i stink as D.O.L. so im not gonna embaress myself by saying how mant mistakes i could find!