Reply To: About the Government of Israel, I do shudder

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee About the Government of Israel, I do shudder Reply To: About the Government of Israel, I do shudder


ROB- it appears that the fact that seven million jews, ken jirbu, living in EY is areason the army must be interested in allowing chayalim to keep mitzvos while on duty. you heard info from someone who’s BIL is in nachal chareidi, yet tou refuse to believe him. a guy in my shul grew up frum/yeshivish, and then went hardcore off the D. He still makes fun of bochurim and mocks RYs. he laughs about frum shtussim and denigrates black hatters. he was in nachal chareidi while he was totally anti religious, and he openly told the members of our shul that the way the army presents N’CH as an option for frum people is a joke. wake up. take your head out of the sand. maybe take off for a few weeks and check out what people look like after N”CH. or, better yet, move here, stop bluffing, and join the IDF. and stay frum.