Reply To: Meet Cindy�R. Shafran on the Israel draft situation

Home Forums In The News Meet Cindy�R. Shafran on the Israel draft situation Reply To: Meet Cindy�R. Shafran on the Israel draft situation


THis is one of the most disingenuous comments made by a partisan hack. First of all, the poor in israel continue to get their welfare checks and chareidi poor are as entitled to it as others. It is the EXTRA money given to the self-declared poor that is at stake here. To imply-as he does- that it is a very special class that” is dedicated to perpetuaing classcial Judaism” and therefore entitled to special attention, is a slap in the face to all ORTHODOX jews throughout the globe who also dedicate themselves to perpetuate classical Judaism. WHAT? Oonly the chareidim kollel guys are Jews? This part of his comments is despicable, in addtion to the other critiques made by other posters.