Reply To: Meet Cindy�R. Shafran on the Israel draft situation

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A) R. Shafran is not making a case for Chareidim. He is making a case for community support of the poor from all religions, races, creeds, colors and genders. Let’s not misrepresent his intents.

B) A mother has every natural right to be a stay-at-home mother. Blazes, we should support moms staying at home and being with their children providing a loving, nurturing, wholesome upbringing. We certainly should not reduce benefits to the poor to discourage stay at home moms! Staying at home is the most natural thing for a mom to do for her kids.

C) I agree with you that “single motherhood” is an unnatural and undesirable situation that should not be encouraged and should not have even been used as an example by R. Shafran.

D) The Charadim are not “poor by choice”. And it is most unfortunate that you perpetuate that libel by even referencing that idea. Since you are speaking of the situation in Israel, it must be stated that they are given the unpalatable options of either joining an army they are theologically opposed to or being barred from legally working. They will not surrender their religious principles against joining the military there. The solution is to allow them to work before age 26.