Reply To: How to Deal with Teenage Baalei Teshuva

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most kiruv shabbatons ive been to the rule is no public chilul shabbos. at an aish shabbaton, i was walking through the halls late friday night and yes i can hear the TV on and radio in other rooms, but barging in and making sure?

in megillas rus it naomi pushed rus away by explaining all the halachos of yichud and tchum shabbos, etc. paying close attention, after pushing her away exactly 3 times and rus still persisted, naomi did not continue mussairng her with nitty gritty halachos as to not overwhelm her. once someone makes the commitment now we welcome them with open arms and first let them see the beauty before what may seem to “diss” them. save that for when they value the reasons for such delicate halachos. i think you could have let that go….