Reply To: Women of the Wall (WoW)

Home Forums In The News Women of the Wall (WoW) Reply To: Women of the Wall (WoW)

Oh Shreck!


OK, it is not at all obvious. Right. And me too, I wasn’t slandering them. Why did you feel the need to defend yourself or them? I’m really not against them. Sure. Show your work…

Kindly read their mission.. their sites.. THEIR FACES!! Sure, not so obvious. Truly high motivations by saying they’re another “perush” to Judaism. Ripping down the mesorah, tznius etc. And the chutzpah of it all to “claim” they’re doing it to come closer to HaShem.

And I was just waiting for that line “It is not for us to judge..”, “Only Hashem..” We are not judging them, we’re not sending them where they belong. We’re just doing what we have to do to keep our place clean. ????? ??? ?????. HaShem tells us to remove evil.

I was waiting for the other line (constantly reiterated by a certain group) “making ourselves feel superior”. NO, NO, and NO. Never. Maybe it’s how you assume our thoughts and feelings to be. For once I’ll call YOU out on that “SHOW YOUR WORK!!” We do what we have to, we go about our avodas HaShem the way handed down generation to generation, heeding our Gedolim. We have no need to “feel superior” to others (any “others”; the earliest xions, misyavnim, tzdukim,…reform,…and the latest “others” of the present modern day). If others see in us a “making ourselves feel superior”, perhaps the mechanism known as guilt / jealousy has been duly activated…

And besides, if they have a “new perush”, why do they choose the kosel built by an orthodox Jew?