Lakewood: People Needed at Zimmerman Trial 1:00PM

zimmerman pics.jpg(Click on image to see huge turnout at courthouse) At the request of the Lakewood Roshei Yeshivos and Lakewood Vaad: A large crowd is needed at 1:00PM this afternoon at the court-house on 4th Street to counter the NAACP crowd at the trial of R’ Elchonon Zimmerman. Rav Malkiel Kotler has already left the Bais Medrash and is on the way there as well.

The NAACP is expected to have a large crowd, and it’s imperative that the judge sees that R’ Elchonon Zimmerman has a large crowd backing him.

zimmerman letter.jpgFor all those unfamiliar: R’ Elchonon Zimmerman – a Choshuv Rebbe in Lakewood Cheder – was arrested [as reported HERE on YW] when a black teenager, Jamarr Dickerson, cut through a private alley on Lawrence Avenue. Rabbi Zimmerman told the youth he was on private property and tried to take the teen’s picture with his cell phone camera. A scuffle ensued and, when a patrolman arrived, he found Rabbi Zimmerman detaining the youth by kneeling on his back.

He told police that he wanted to press charges against the teen, so police told him to file a complaint at the Lakewood Police station. When he showed up a few minutes later, he had a surprise waiting for him – he was arrested.

Rabbi Zimmerman was charged with simple assault, but the Ocean County-Lakewood branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has lobbied for bias crime charges to be filed because Dickerson told NAACP officials that several men surrounded the two and yelled racial slurs at Dickerson.

UPDATE 12:48PM: The trial of R’ Elchonon Zimmerman is taking place right now at the Lakewood Courthouse (on 4th Street). The Lakewood Roshei Yeshivos have arrived just a few moments ago [Rav Malkiel Kotler & Rav Yeruchim Olson].

20 Responses

  1. I dont think rav’ malkiel left the bais medresh an hour and half early for this. If anything the learning is a big zechus. I hope this is not taking away from 1st seder.

  2. Rabbosi,

    We must call the Rush and get him in on this

    Then we must call Sean Hannity and the other Maggidi Shiur on WABC (Where All Bochurim Call)
    to get in on de action,,,


    don’t forget to say Tehillim kapitil Pey-Daled

    TZadik-Tess and Kuf Yud Gimmel…..

  3. I just spoke to someone in BMG now and he said that both Roshei Yeshivas that are supposedly at the trial, are in fact giving shiurim right now.

  4. Sammygol: I love you!!! You always have just the right words to tackle those who need it. Komocho yirbu beyisroel and may we be zocheh to soon see the day that Eisav & Cham will stop their Rishus, which is of course only on the day that H’ Echod Ushemo Echod

  5. To commenter #2.”and now Chom” – Chom has been a sonai yisroel for a long time. Sharpton, Farakan and others. Let’s be mispallel that Sen. B. Hussein Obama stays where he is

  6. It is Ironic that the NAACP was started by two Jeiwsh Brothers. A while back there was “Tension” between the NAACP and then fum community in Lakewood so as a gesture of good will (for lack of better words) Rav Blech gave them a big picture of the founders of the NAACP that they could hang in their office. They weren’t to appreciative.

  7. to correction
    both roshe yeshiva were at a levaya 1215pm in lakewood’s new chapel
    though they did leave after r malkiel deliverd his hesped
    is possible they stopped off at court for short time to show their support and continued on afterwards to yeshiva so its possible for all the above to be true

  8. To BuzBuz,

    Quote from wikipedia:

    The NAACP was founded on February 12, 1909 by a diverse group composed of W.E.B. Du Bois (African American), Ida Wells-Barnett (African American), Henry Moskowitz (Jewish), Mary White Ovington (White), Oswald Garrison Villard (German-born White), and William English Walling (White, and son of a former slave owning family)

    I found the same list on the NAACP website.

  9. I was there. The R”Y both came at about 12:20ish, stayed for about 15 mins. & then left.
    B”H, things looked good when I left at the break @ about 2:15.Halevai vayter!!

    To answer the person who felt that the R”Y should have been learning instead – do yourself a favor & let them make their own decisions. They probably know a lot more than you.

    Personally, I think that when they came it made a favorable impression on the judge.

  10. To the one who said the R’Y should be learning instead: If you would ch’v be in Zimmerman’s situation, would you say the same thing?

  11. Glad to see the Roshei Yeshiva and talmidim in mass out there protecting the future of their chever, alot can be learned from this how we need to go out and protest when acheinu are in distress (even if he is not a rebbe in our yeshiva, rather he is a brother in need).

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