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Really? This goes on in the goyish world until the man in mature enough to love a woman for who she is inside (approximately age 35).

By goyim this is how it works very often, boy and girl meet at some random bar or what not, boy convinces girl to be intimate with him after a few dates sometimes less. They date a few months. If they like each other enough they move in together. After 3-5 years girl brings up marriage. Guy pushes her off 1-3 years. Girl then tells guy “I WANT TO GET MARRIED STOP PUSHING IT OFF” guy says “I don’t really think we are for each other.” Girl breaks down and cries and lives in heartbreak and depression for many months or even a year and after some intense therapy she picks herself up and starts dating again.

My point is that unless a guy is mature and ready for marriage which means responsibility and really taking care of his wife with all that entails its just a selfish relationship where the guy uses the girl for whatever he needs and once the relationship becomes inconvenient for him in any way, like she starts being demanding on his time or whatever he dumps the girl and moves on to the next.