Reply To: Akuperma re: "mere annoyance"

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Akuperma re: "mere annoyance" Reply To: Akuperma re: "mere annoyance"


1. Pogroms happen. They have been happening for several millenia. Before that, we had problems like foreign armies hauling away most of the population. We are old hands at surviving genocide. To a “Reform” Jew who believed that the European were the greatest civilization in history, and that the Germans were the most civilized and most advanced people in the world – the holocaust was a horrible shock. To frum Jews, it’s a matter “oh, that again”. They try to kills, HaShem stops them, we survive and carry on. In a few years we recover. It’s happened before, and will probably happen again. Live with it.

2. At this point in time, if we consider how many people would be putting on tefillin this morning if nothing happened – going back to 250 years (i.e. to just prior to the start of the modern period) — the leading cause of reducing the number of Bnei Torah is not the holocaust or even pogroms in general during the period — but assimilation. In fact, most Bnei Torah in America today are the descendants of the refugees from, and survivors of the holocaust. The 90% of American Jews who roots predate that period are for the most “gone”. A handful survived, and a handful of those on the verge of being lost became Baalei Tsuvah — but almost all are lost just as much as the ten lost tribes, or the six million who died during the last world war. It’s nice that most Americans (and probably most goyim in Europe and Middle East) have some Jewish DNA (or rather, DNA inherited from Jews), but what matters are the number of people learning Torah and doing mitsvos.

Thus you shouldn’t get all bent out of shape about the Arabs (with whom we have a disupte about real estate – dinei mamonos at best), but should be panicing over Lapid. You should not place your faith in the IDF to protect you since they incapable of saving us from what threatens us, but you should be worried about the “war” be launched against the yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael, since that is our first and only line of defense against what really threatens us.