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benignuman -“The previous topic is long and I do not have the patience to comb through it to find where the S”A says a woman has a chiyuv to get married. It isn’t in the first siman in Even HaEzer (where a man’s chiyuv is brought down).”

From that topic:

“You were wrong before and you’re still wrong. Women are “Mechuyavot”!

From Shulchan Aruch – Even Haezer – 1:13.”

“As far as a I know the Gemara does not define Zakein and Yalda in this context. The pashtus is that a person should marry someone like them so to avoid discord in their home (see Rashi to Yevamos 106b that I cited above).”

That’s your mistake in they way you’re learning up the Gemorras.

Also from that topic:

“This statement is totally farfetched. No where does the S’A even come close to saying this. Like I previously posted the S’A is very specific what type of potentional husband you can deny yourself from marrying. Sorry, an ill advised marriage isn’t one of them (age gap). As a matter of fact, the S’A uses a totally different reason for Zakain and Yalda, the reason is because of Zenus. If the S’A agreed with you about ill advised marriage, why pick on Zakain and Yalda, any age gap like a 20 y.o. to a 40 y.o. would suffice? And most importantly, why come up with a new reason of Zenus, just quote the Braisa in Yevamos that says age gap can cause Ketotoh. So it’s obvious the S’A didn’t hold your Putter because the marriage is ill advised.”

There is even more there. Why ask Kashas on me when I most probably already dealt with them?