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hakatan- 1)you must differentiate between zionism and the state of israel today- zionism – the belief that we should be as all others was wrong- and many of the gedolim you quote wrote prior to the holocaust- and were referring to that belief system -but the state- in and of itself- is neutral because it’s a democracy- if the frum will be the majority (which it will be given the current birth rate in some years) then it will be run completely frum and even now — we have a rabbanut and religious divisions that oversee religious issues- marriage divorce kashrus etc..–plus these jews who are not frum are tinokos she’nishba – and are considered not to be acting bi’mezid intentionlly and it is our duty to bring them closer to yiddishkeit to accomplish this goal further.
2)The Moetzes( BD of Klal Yisrel) voted in favor by a majority– and it is not i but the Brisker rav who said that ,because of this ruling the state will come about — plus they held it was no problem if had true Torah borders. They also said it should be frum. They hoped it would be frum (this was debated 11yrs before the state was created and much transpired in that time.) I don’t know if you know this but it is a historical fact that the people who created the state meant well even if not religious and there were rabbanim at the announcement of the state in Tel aviv. Further- even the flag of israel is made of blue and white (resembling techeles) and the 2 blue lines with the magen david in the middle represented the jews going through the yam suf on the way to get the Torah and EY –read any history book for these symbolisms. Their intentions were to go back and live in EY – our land. Even the Baal Shem and the Gra sent their talmidim there. Plus the gemarah says that when EY starts blooming again we have entered the stages of geula and after hundreds of years of desolation the land is green and flowing – proving that this was a positive development. No one is saying that secular zionsists didn’t do anything wrong- we are saying they did -but even so the state is not zionism in and of itself but a seperate democratic entity and should be judged hashkafically and halachakily independently of zionsim