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A Talmid Chachman (TC) comes upon Chasid. The TC asks why do you Chasids go to the Rebbe for everything. The Chasid says, because the Rebbe knows what we are thinking. That’s not possible only HaKodesh Barachu knows what one is thinking, says the TC.

The Chasid says of course it’s possible, in fact I know what you are thinking… The TC says no way, but he asks, what am I thinking… The Chasid says “shvisi Hashem l’negded tamid” ….The TC says, no that’s not what I was thinking and the Chasid says, that’s why we go to the Rebbe.

So if we are not all thinking “Shivisi Hashem L’negded Tamid” then something is wrong.