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here’s a similar example. A woman’s chiyuv in Limud Torah comes from encouraging her sons and husband to learn. But not every woman has the mazel of getting married as early as some others. Is a woman who only wants a kollel guy and hasn’t found her husband until much later held accountable for not fulfilling the chiyuv? Is she any less of a person in front of G-d?

If G-d expected you to give 100000 maaser each year, you would be earning a salary to justify giving away that amount. You will get the schar on what you give and we have no clue who earns more schar. By all means daven for more money but be real with yourself. Don’t fool yourself into thinking its because you want to buy your way into olam haba. G-d isn’t a cashier and even if you’ve fooled yourself G-d knows your true intentions.