Reply To: Drug addicts in yeshiva

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adams -“Health, if there will be more people using Cannabis after legalization, since most people can get it now, many would be switching from alchohol, so the accidents would drop.”

While you make other points about Pot that I do Not agree with -they are logical and you’re entitled to your opinion. But this point above is Not logical.

“Since the cause of accidents are many other things, it’s unlikely for a huge increase. So far, 2 states which have very liberal Medical Marijuana laws have overall decreases in accidents.”

Medical Pot is Not the green light you think it is for the general public. Based on reports from Countries who legalize illict drugs on a widespread basis -they have Not found alcohol use to have gone down, only drug use to increase. So therefor Pot will even more contribute to Crashes on top of the other causes.

“Besides which, we tolerate collateral damage in many other things, such as the alchohol, the gambling, tobbacco. How many rapes and murders are acholhol fueled? why not put efforts to reduce that harm?”

This is irrevelant. Outlawing alcohol will Not stop these crimes. You’d only have a point if you were inebriated while committing crimes and this gave you an excuse. It’s all about personal responsibility. The way to do this is to streghthen the existing Criminal Justice system (which btw is a joke). The libs don’t have a clue about personal responsibilty and that’s why they think outlawing guns will stop crimes. It won’t happen and neither will outlawing alcohol decrease crashes and/or crimes!