Reply To: Rabbis and the draft

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“Whether any Rav supported the medinah between 1948 and 2013 is irrelevant now, since an agreement to exempt yeshiva students from the military was in effect then, and it no longer is. An analogy would be to quote someone discussing how we view Germans from the second reich (1870-1918) and saying that was how the person felt during the third reich (1933-1945) when the policies changed.”

Great, you’re probably the first reasonable intelligent (beginning to have my doubts…) English-speaking internet-using frum person who seriously compares the Israeli government to the Nazi government. Well done. I’m just out of words.

The rest of your comments, suggesting maybe it’s OK for yeshiva bochurim to kill the military police who would come to get them…. well, again, I’m just out of words.