Reply To: Black knitted kippa?

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“The answer to the question – what is the significance of this or that kipa – should be answered by reference to the texts of the Torah, Talmud, and the written record of the gedolim.”

Sorry, I don’t have much to offer in this regard. The Torah doesn’t mention the requirement of a headcovering, and I think the Talmud and Shulchan Aruch say little or nothing about specifics. But I know that according to some opinions, a kippa should be able to be seen from all angles to qualify as a headcovering. This supports a larger kippa (or a small one worn on top of the head — which looks weird to me, but whatever). At least one opinion says that a headcovering should cover most of the head, but this doesn’t appear to be generally accepted. The fabric used has no halachic significance I’m aware of (as long as it’s not shatnez!), and I’ve never heard it discussed as in terms of a binding minhag.