MDA Medics Attacked by Arabs While Reviving Man

mda cover.jpgA MDA ambulance was attacked by residents of Akko’s old city as they attempted to enter the home of a man who had collapsed. According to a Ynet News report, the Paramedics were physically blocked from entering his home, and expensive medical equipment was stolen. Paramedics told Ynet “when we got out of the ambulance, we were surrounded, cursed at, spit on and pushed. Our medical gear was grabbed right out of our hands. It wasn’t pleasant. There was a lot of hatred. It’s not unthinkable that someone would have pulled out a knife,” he said.

The medical equipment was returned following the intervention of the sick man’s family, but the patient died on the way to the hospital in Nahariya

A complaint with police after transferring the deceased patient to the hospital – but medics insist that this has happened multiple times in the past.

Editors Note: Imagine the rage and indignation that would follow had a group of Jews attacked an Arab ambulance and an Arab died due to the attack and delay! Where are the investigations and the jail sentences?!

10 Responses

  1. You did not mention who the attackers were. They could also make fake calls for hatzolo or other emergency to come and then steal equipment or kill emergency personell on a prank call. There should be more security going along with the emergency responders.

  2. Editors Note: Imagine the rage and indignation that would follow had a group of Jews attacked an Arab ambulance and an Arab died due to the attack and delay! Where are the investigations and the jail sentences?!

    IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN! our nature is not to cause slow painful death but only to kill in self defense. Certainly cant imagine a GROUP of JEWS involved ina situation like that. Remember Israel doesnt even have the death penalty.

  3. 4. Don’t be so apologetic. Azlinan bassar rov: in old Akko most of the residents, especially ones given to surrounding, cursing, spitting at, and pushing those trying to help a person in distress, are likely to be descendants of, and take after, the one named Pere Adam.

  4. Don’t forget any person on internet has the right to read anything that is written on this webpage. BE VERY CAREFUL WHAT YOU WRITE!!

  5. nameless,
    Just for general knowledge, Israel does have a death penalty which can be implemented in 3 cases: Natzi war criminal, terrorist, treason.

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