Reply To: Are the Chasam Sofer hechsherim reliable?

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It’s hard to find someone who investigated hechsherim himself, so to start saying “political” or “not political” is a bit difficult.

Maybe contact Rav Berkowitz as was mentioned earlier and ask if the shmua is correct and why. He’ll answer you honestly and will be able to tell you if it’s based on something he personally saw/has seen, if someone reliable to him told him so, or if it’s because of one or a specific set of standards he may have (which you may or may not follow).

Yechiel Spira from JKN who has done/does a good chunk of research on hechsherim may be able to give you details on either or both.

…Have some questions ready based on your standards, make some phone calls, and do some investigation yourself. 🙂