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WEINER THE LIAR: I HAVE NOT TOLD THE TRUTH: Weiner Holds Press Conference – Refuses To Resign,

With tears in his eyes, and a chocked up voice, Rep. Anthony Weiner told a press conference at the Sheraton Hotel in Manhattan, that he accepts full responsibility for his actions – but refuses to resign. He apologized to his wife and family, friends, constituents, and the media for being dishonest.

For the past week, Weiner has refused to answer any questions regarding an indecent photo which was sent from his Twitter account. Weiner, who is a six term congressman, obnoxiously talked down to reporters seeking answers for his constituents, and even used derogatory language unbecoming of a Congressman while talking to one reporter. His office staff on Capital Hill even called the cops on a WCBSTV reporter seeking answers.

The media was relentless in seeking their answers, and the scandal grew earlier Monday after Anderw Breitbart on published photos from another person who came forward saying they had inappropriate Email and Twitter exchanges with the Congressman.

Weiner – the Jewish Congressman from new York who married a Muslim political aid on a Shabbos afternoon – told the press conference that he is deeply sorry, but is staying put.

YWN had long questioned how Weiner who is married to a Muslim woman, was still proud to yell “Am Yisroel Chai” (Jewish Nation Live) on a megaphone at the Israeli Day Parade in Manhattan. How does the “Jewish Nation Live”  if our highest profile Jews intermarry?

Weiner chose to skip the parade this year

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

23 Responses

  1. How dumb can a person be? Destroying a fantastic career (without discussing liberal/conservative or Dem/Rep) over what???

  2. Here, you see the glaring difference between Republicans and Democrats. An upstate NY Republican resigned immediately over a much smaller scandal.

    But this creep Democrat has no shame, no decency. He feels no accountability, and he does not fear that his party will shun him, because they have low standards.

  3. Here is a sentence to remember, in the third paragraph of this story: “The media was relentless in seeking their answers …” regarding the Weiner twitter photos. That is news that many commenters on this web site should note, who sincerely believe (or perhaps not so sincerely believe) that the media give liberals a “free pass”.

    And here is a curious paragraph, the fifth in the article: “YWN had long questioned how Weiner who is married to a Muslim woman, was still proud to yell ‘Am Yisroel Chai’ (Jewish Nation Live) on a megaphone at the Israeli Day Parade in Manhattan. How does the ‘Jewish Nation Live’ if our highest profile Jews intermarry?”

    I do not recall (and I do not purport to have perfect recall) any editorials about Mr. Weiner, which would be an appropriate place to question anything about him. So how has YWN “long questioned” Mr. Weiner’s pride? By editorializing in the news coverage, or just internally, not in its online content?

    As for Mr. Weiner’s being “one of our the highest profile Jews”, he has just lowered his profile.

  4. No. 5: You evidently missed the interview between some CNN folks and Mr. Weiner. Their questions challenged him, he tried to stonewall them, and it was obvious to me that, within a week, he would be ‘fessin’ up to his involvement in the “prank.”

  5. according to yahoo! news, Bill Clinton was mesader bizayon (can’t say “mesader kiddushin”, or even “mesader chullin” on such a wedding)

  6. Even if some of our policy leaders are not honest, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t expect them to be. So long, Anthony.

  7. deepthinker: Since the district encompasses a much much larger area of Brooklyn and Queens than just the frum neighborhoods, which represents merely a small portion of his district.

  8. To “Deepthinker” Comment 2:
    You are quite flamboyant to associate one proclivity with democrats and another with the republicans. No sensible politician is required to resign immediately with controversy. And I am quite certain that is likely to be Mr. Weiner’s ultimate outcome. Do you really think (and I use this on you because I am sure there are many others who think the same way) that a democrat office holder is that much different that the republicans in their intent to hold onto their offices?
    As for Mr. Weiner’s hoax, it is a very egregious act and his entire contribution on this topic will never be overlooked. So be an observant Jew and reserve your antipathy for where it is truly due, his orthodox inclinations (very sparse) and his Adherance to Torah Law.

  9. I believe he was set up by Drudge and Breitbart and Faux News.

    The Conservative media was so obsessed with this non-story, and kept bringing it up, all to embarrass the Democratic party. Yet at the same time they won’t talk about the danger of Sarah Palin becoming the Republican nominee.

    Bush got us into two unnecessary wars, and these guys won’t talk about it. All they care about is a silly non-story that has to do with Weiner’s personal life and is frankly none of our business.

  10. To “Proud Liberal”:
    I don’t find you to be very liberal at all, and perhaps you might be more of a pacifist/permissive. That said, the Wars we are in are not a reflection on one man’s power struggle and they were quite a consideration by a large portion of America at the time.
    This is actually a Very Big Story indeed for if you can not trust your congressman to be truthful and indeed if he is with many indiscretions as well, one might want to think as to whether we do need another Congressperson indeed.
    Its called Fox News and if you want to bash their ethics, do so without trying to make a worthless comment about their name.
    That said, it is no surprise that anyone made a big story about this story and if you really are a liberal, promote liberal values, not a foul left wing message of an angry jealous sort.
    Best wishes,
    A liberal Friend.

  11. What a low life, poskunyak!
    He deserves this and the good for nothing should resign.he lies cheats. What took him so long to come clean? Was it his Machmod muslim wife?Oscar finally got what he deserves.

  12. IMHO, many of you are missing the point. If you are a frum yid and this man is your congressman, and you know he doesn’t know about Torah mi-Sinai, then whose fault is it? Did anyone ever try to teach him? Did you make a single meeting with him in his Brooklyn office and invite him to learn Pirkei Avos with you? This is a wake-up call for Orthodox Jewry – it is your cheshbone in Shamayim that you should be worried about, not his. He is called your “representative”… think about it. Gut yontiv to all.

  13. I would like to add that we should perhaps recall that we learn from Dovid HaMelech (and Yehuda) that a great leader is not defined by his lack of sin, rather by his ability to utter the two hardest phrases in the English language:

    “I was wrong”
    “I’m sorry”

    American culture – expecting our leaders to be spotless – has it wrong. Bill Clinton’s “I didn’t inhale” line reflects this backwards view.

    Weiner’s apology shows he has a spark of greatness as a human being and a leader, al pi Torah.

  14. “Why does this piece of schmutz represent an Orthodox jewish district, like Flatbush?”


    And you can be assured that if he does not resign, his district will be eliminated in the next redistricting — which has to happen prior to the next election.

  15. seinfeld how dare do you compare this rasha to david hamelech. the gemara says that david didn’t sin, the tevia was on a dakus shebidakus. david did 2 aveiros in his life. weiner is an active supporter of gay marriage and all in all is a disgrace .

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