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VIDEO: Rep. Weiner Resigns In Disgrace (Watch His Last Political Speech At Agudah Dinner)

Rep. Anthony Weiner, the Jewish Congressman from Queens who married a Muslim political aid on a Shabbos afternoon, has just resigned in disgrace.

The scandal started as Weiner refused to answer any questions regarding an indecent photo which was sent from his Twitter account. Instead Weiner obnoxiously talked to reporters seeking answers for his constituents, as if they were some type of toy. He even used derogatory language unbecoming of a Congressman while talking to one reporter, and his office called the cops on another reporter at his office on Capital Hill.

The media was relentless in seeking an answer, and the scandal grew after Anderw Breitbart on published photos from another person who came forward saying they had inappropriate Twitter exchanges with the former Congressman.

Eventually Weiner held a press conference, where he shed a few tears and apologized for lying to his family, and most of all the world. Although he apologized, he said he would not resign.

The pressure grew for him to resign, until he made the decision earlier today.

Just two days after the scandal broke, Weiner was given the honor of addressing the Agudath Israel Dinner (see video embedded below). It turns out, it was his last political speech.

YWN had long questioned how Weiner who is married to a Muslim woman, was still proud to yell “Am Yisroel Chai” (Jewish Nation Live) on a megaphone at the Israeli Day Parade in Manhattan. How does the “Jewish Nation Live”  if our highest profile Jews intermarry?

As the scandal grew, Weiner chose to skip the parade this year

Perhaps Mr. Weiner can partner up with disgraced NYS Governor Eliot Spitzer at his CNN show.

Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile device.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

8 Responses

  1. Why do you say “Jewish”?
    His mother is not a Jew.

    Even if he would start calling himself “Anshel Viener” he would still not be Jewish.

    He was, however, a great friend of Israel in the congress.

  2. Why is his wife and wedding day relevant here? And whats with the last line about him and Spitzer? The first paragraph and last line should do not belong on a “frum” site.

    Makes the “reporting” sound so childish, or it this an editorial page?

    Please don’t insult your readers who rely on your site for factual news.

  3. Now the rumors are that he converted to Islam. That raises a further question: converted from WHAT???

    Either way, it’s good he’s gone. And if he was such a good friend of Israel, what did he do to rein in Barack Hussein Obama who is working towards Israel’s annihilation?

  4. What are you talking about?..obama…annhilation.
    Hitler wanted the jews annihilation. please dont use such strong terms so freely and incorrectly.

    Geshmakman- im with you.!
    ywn-Shame on you!

  5. Now he can join David Vitter as another disgraced politician. Oh, I’m sorry — Vitter was re-elected to the Senate!

  6. Rabosai, we went though this a few months ago. He is jewish because his mother is certainly jewish. His father is not but he is certainly jewish. Lemaysa I feel bad for him

  7. I heard him on radio saying his mother is not jewish. i dont know why everybody still says he’s jewish

    Moderator’s Note: Click on the hyperlink in the story (by the words “the Jewish Congressman”, and watch a YWN video where his own mother tells us that she herself is Jewish. her maiden name is Finkelstein, where Anthony’s bar mitzvah was held, and the Jewish words on her own mothers gravestone. SO either she lied to us, or Weiner lied on the radio, or….you made up a nice comment to stir the pot.

  8. No. 3: The first question one should raise about any rumor is: is it true? Another question one should raise is: should I repeat the rumor? Perhaps you can start by rasing these questions with your rav.

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