Reply To: Separate Yeshivas for the Kollel Families

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☕ DaasYochid ☕

So you agree with me?

I don’t think I do 100%. I think that a psak can be evaluated in context and applied to other similar cases (by someone qualified to do so).

My opinion of that video specifically (as I recall it from a while ago) is that he felt that a lot of the exclusionary practices were based on gaavah, not chinuch, but that he wasn’t ruling out the idea of legitimate chinuch based exclusion.

I personally don’t think working families and kollel famlies can’t share the same chinuch institutions; they frequently share the same goals and ideals.

I also agree with the little I know (the poster) that the availability of other schools is a very important consideration.

I will point out, since he brought up the Chazon Ish, that a story has been printed about when there was a yishuv in which chareidim moving in wished to open their own gan, because they didn’t like the hashkafos of the ganenes, but the existing settlers waned the newcomers to join the existing one. The Chazon Ish advised that they offer to join, on condition tat pictures of zionist leaders be replaced by pictures of gedolim. She refused, and a new gan was started.

Of course, to be fair, there’s a difference between the influence of a teacher and that of fellow students, but I think there’s still something to be learned.

Okay, now, my personal agenda in this, as a parent: shouldn’t I insist that my sons not be in a class where a number of classmates are on their phones sharing shmutz with each other other IN SCHOOL? Is this not pikuach nefesh for my kids?

Even if the school were able to enforce their official no phone policy, am I not correct for not wanting to have my children surrounded by friends whose topic of discussion is total (and I mean by anyone here’s standards) shmutz? Is this what R’ Aron Leib was referring to as gaavah?

Yes, this type of behavior can come from the “best”, most “yeshivishe” homes, but that’s not been my personal experience, and in such a case, I would also want my kids separated. OTOH, I would have no problem with my kids becoming friends with kids from “less yeshivishe” homes with wholesome, frum values (according to my definition, of course 🙂 ).