Contrite Giuliani Weighs New White House Bid

Rudy Giuliani said Thursday he made a mistake in 2008 by not dedicating more time to campaigning one-on-one with New Hampshire voters. But he suggested he may ask them to give him a second look.

The former New York City mayor, starting a swing through the first presidential primary state, said he would make up his mind about making another White House run by late summer.

“We didn’t do it the right way” in the last presidential election, Mr. Giuliani told reporters before a speech at an Italian restaurant here. “We were spending so much time trying to raise money that we forgot about the politics,” he said, adding he didn’t spend enough time talking with voters directly.

In 2007, Mr. Giuliani held a strong lead in many national polls testing the GOP presidential field. But while he made appearances in Iowa and New Hampshire—the first two states in the nominating process—Mr. Giuliani focused more on Florida and the so-called Super Tuesday states, which voted later.

(Source: WSJ)

2 Responses

  1. Guiliani is a super candidate. He lifted New York from the doldrums. Also a 9/11 hero. If you want to beat Obama,
    Rudy is the one. Not the Tea Party maniacs like Sarah Palin and her ilk.

  2. Giuliani supports the Ryan plan to end Medicare. The Democrats just won an overwhelmingly Republican congressional district upstate on that issue alone. Giuliani is un-electable.

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