Reply To: Diet Pills From Brazil Being Sold In Brooklyn

Home Forums Health & Fitness Diet Pills From Brazil Being Sold In Brooklyn Reply To: Diet Pills From Brazil Being Sold In Brooklyn


Keep away from this. These pills are smuggled in illegally. Right now a frum U.S. citizen is in jail after being caught with these pills on his way to reaching his dreams of become RICH.

A family member of mine also lost alot of weight with these, only to gain it back quickly. Anyway, when he wanted to try again(because he met others who were successful in losing such as 100 lbs.) he asked a Brazillian we know to bring some on his next trip to U.S.He educated us about the source of the pills and it’s not being legal and that is the end. Keep away from it. In Brazil, it is penny item…real cheap! So if you want to take a risk travel there and buy them yourself but we won’t bail you out when caught!!!