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@akuperma: I don’t know what nonsense you have been told about the army giving people choices between praying and having breakfast. I was actually in the army and it is the complete opposite. The seculars respect religious people and the norm is that whilst they do the morning cleanup,the religious soldiers go and daven with a minyan.

If you go to nachal haredi there are no females on your bases and most people there are also religious.

Don’t spread lies about how the army treats religious people; I seem to remember that lying is against the halacha. Before you start accusing organisations of creating ‘spiritual dangers’ perhaps you should start worrying about yourself.

Also, because according to you the state is ‘treif’, jews shouldn’t defend themselves against non jews? What torah do you follow? Mine says pikuach nefesh trumps all; even if we are in the wrong, the situation today is that we need to defend ourselves against the arabs.

By the way, you may not follow it but there is halachic justification; the ramban clearly states that we have a constant obligation to fight for israel; don’t hold with it or do, but don’t say there is no halachic support.