Reply To: Is An Amalekite Allowed to Commit Suicide?

Home Forums Bais Medrash Is An Amalekite Allowed to Commit Suicide? Reply To: Is An Amalekite Allowed to Commit Suicide?


No, because this would deprive we Non-Amalekites the opportunity of personally fulfilling the Mitzwah Asseh mideOrraisso of “Timche Es Zeicher Amolek”

I don’t believe an Amaleki (or any non-Jew, for that matter) has an obligation to do what he can to make sure a Jew does a mitzvah. Or do you think that every time a non-Jew eats something kosher he is committing a sin because he’s depriving a Jew of the opportunity to make a bracha on that food?

The Wolf