Reply To: Shocking Study of Modern Orthodox OTD Rate

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Kosher Ham


You wrote in your previous post:

Both you and Ham said it was “quoted” on HM’s blog, not that it was written by Shaviv. Make up your mind.

This is a falsehood on your part. I clearly wrote, unambiguously:

Paul Shaviv, the head of Ramaz School in NY is quoted as:

You owe me and possibly Crisis an apology after saying we didn’t do something that we did do, indeed. Could I possibly be more clear than I was and you more wrong than you were about your falsehood?

When I post, I try very hard to keep opinions out of my postings and to stick to facts. I might not succeed each and every time, but I personally feel with an attitude like that, my posting contributes a viewpoint without personal attacks. You might want to give it a try for yourself. It could even improve your middos.

Try not to be like Curly from the 3 Stooges, who says, “I’m trying to think, but nothing happens!”.