Reply To: Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft

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Lakewood Fellow -“Again, They said “Homeland” to exclude any kind of Jewish state or Jewish control, and they made this clear as well.

And why did some Zionists insist on a State?

If they wanted a State of Jews -where Jews were the Gov., then why did they nix the British idea of Uganda which Herzl agreed to?

Let them all pack up and move Now to Uganda and the Charedim and the arabs living now in EY will be very happy.

“High Commissioner Samuel was working with what he had:

A reluctant Britain who grudgingly recognizing that Jews had some sort of right to Israel while basically saying to the Arabs that they had the Arabs backs if they complained about it, and the Hostile Arabs. He tried to negotiate an agreement on immigration that would make the British and Arabs happy.”

I hate to disillusion you but Samuel lived way before Churchill. He did it to make the arabs happy, not the English. The English wanted to let as many as possible Jews in. He started it and later the British followed his policies.

“Of course Jews giving in to Anti Semites and assuming that if they would just be reasonable the Anti Semites would love the Jews didn’t work and the British responded by issuing whitepaper after whitepaper against the Jews, and the Arabs rioted and Killed Jews; while the British looked the other way and arrested and killed any Jews caught fighting the Arabs.”

More distortion of history. The Arabs weren’t Antisemitic at that time, only AntiZionism. The English wanted to appease the arabs, just like they wanted to appease the Jews. But the Zionists were -we won’t compromise with anyone -it’s either all or nothing!