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NYC Yanking Plans For ‘Sensitive’ Buildings From Internet

City officials are scrambling to fix glaring online security lapses after The Post reported that detailed floor plans for top terror targets can be downloaded from the Department of Finance’s Web site.

The department, which maintains an online database of property records, is working with the NYPD to remove schematics and floor plans for landmark buildings that are often attached to routine leasing and deed documents, said Finance spokesman Owen Stone.

“We are working, in consultation with the NYPD counterterrorism unit, to ensure information property owners record with Finance does not pose a serious threat to New Yorkers,” Stone said.

As The Post reported May 19, plans for 1 World Trade Center, which is currently under construction — and is described by Police Commissioner Ray Kelly as the nation’s No. 1 terror target — were posted on Finance’s Web site, along with an updated leasing agreement.

Law enforcement is now focusing on what else may be buried among the city’s online records.

(Source: NY Post)

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