Reply To: Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft Reply To: Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft



“The arrogance among some of you is simply astounding. And I say this as someone whose relatives came to this country way before most of you in the 18th century. You think all Zionists are gamblers and drug dealers?”

AT never made such a blanket statement. He simply said that “From Zionism shall spring forth controllers of gambling in Bucharest, Prague, and Budapest, drug dealers in Thailand,” etc. Which is not too much of stretch; after all (as R’ Aharon Feldman points out in Eye of the Storm), Israel has a significant mafia and is the world’s number one exporter of prostitution; not quite a “light unto the nations”.”

Riiiight. The light upon the nations is tens of thousands of people who work off the books, don’t pay taxes, and then come visit the United States to schoor money for chanasas kallah. You gotta love how they fit four people in a car, and after you give one or two money, two more jump out at you.How much money do you think a deserving MO guy would collect in a chareidi shul? Three shekels? Yet some chareidim have no issue criticizing every one who is not like them (like secular and MO), but have no problem taking money from them!

Funny how your little stereotype cuts both ways, doesn’t it?