Reply To: Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft Reply To: Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft



“With all due respect, do you understand how ridiculous you sound when you make such comments?”

Aha. So you claim that we can’t take government aid because Moshe Rabbeinu didn’t, and I’m the one being ridiculous?

“The only reason you can live without working is not because you are supported by the community; rather, you are living off the backs of everyone who works. So, you are saying it is actually permissable and even preferred to live off charity than to work.”

No, it is preferable to live off perfectly legal government programs and learn full time than to work.

“BTW, your comments about the medinah are just plain wrong. The state was established in 1948. If what you say about the Arabs is true, please explain the riots in 1920, 1929 and 1936 were about. Please also explain why all Ashkenazic Jews were barred from Yerushalyim for over 100 years in the 17th century. Please also explain the reason for the Arab pogroms in Hebron and Tzsfas in 1834, when Zionism as a movement did not even exist!”

“No one forces you to live there. This isn’t Russia, you can move.”

The Chareidim have just as much of a right to the land as the Zionists do. Would you be singing the same tune if the Chareidim passed a law that nobody could go to work?

“I am aware that in Sefer Bereishis, Yaakov Avinu did things for the general population which were not even Jewish. Are you on a higher level than he was?”

I just love when people quote random stories from Tanach that have nothing to do with the subject at hand… And a with a nice dose of “how dare you!”, too. A true classic.


“I used to be a regular poster on this site but the coffee room has been taken over by extremist posters, who are more in tune with Iran than with the Jewish people… all the other loons on this site!”

Right. Because you’re being the very picture of the calm, reasonable non-extremist here yourself, with all your insults and name-calling.


“Da’as Yochid, to claim bittul Torah when the reason they are able to learn is because the frei are forced to pay for the Chareidi learning is outrageous and Chillul HaShem!”

Says you. The Gedolim clearly disagree.

“if a baal ha’bais supports a yungerman in learning and then says that he can’t or won’t do it anymore, the yungerman should go and besiege the baal ha’baises house till he agrees to lay out the cash?”

If you really can’t see the difference between taking government aid that one is legally entitled to and laying siege to people’s houses, I’m not even going to bother trying to pointing it out to you.