Reply To: Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft Reply To: Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft


mdd -“Kanoi Next Door, let’s get it straight. Egypt and Greece do have a conscription. UK had it till 1960.Us — till 1973.”

Well I’m sure if Turkey was running EY -there would be No draft.

“If you don’t hold of the Medinah do not take money from them. You can’t have it both ways.”

Again Charedim aren’t second-hand citizens that have no right to social programs. Stop with the “I’m better than you argument.” The more you argue this the more you prove that Israel is similar to South Africa during Apartheid.

“Why work!?!?!? Because insisting on staying in learning while living off the money of those who do not want anymore to support you is CHILLUL HASHEM!!!”

Again sitting and learning is doing a bigger service to the country than going to the army -it protects e/o!

Go preach to your fellow Zionists about the importance of learning instead of always coming here and screaming “CHILLUL HASHEM!!