Reply To: Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft

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“It was the hand of G-d operating through the valiant soldiers of the IDF that ensured our victories. Not the studies of those who choose consciously not to be a part of modern Israel.”

Quick point: Hashem runs the world. Wars are not actually won by military might; wars are won by Hashem’s will alone. Ayleh bi’rechev vi’ayleh ba’soosim, va’anachnu bi’shaim Hashem Elokainu nazkir. As such, while Hashem may have indeed operated through the IDF, that does not by any stretch of the imagination mean that the IDF was the actual cause of the victory.

“We are not prophets. How we can claim that the studies of a specific parochial group have a theurgic effect?”

True, we are not prophets. But the greatest of all prophets has informed us that when we do Hashem’s will, things will go well for us in this world. We say it twice a day. And Chazal have informed us that the learning of Torah is particularly important in this regard.

“Plus, those who make this claim ignore the fact that there are scores of Hesder yeshivot”

Nobody is ignoring the hesder yeshivos; if they want to learn some time and serve some time, they have every right. However, you cannot drag somebody who wishes to learn all day out of the Bais Medrash.

” Plus, neither the Lakewood Mashgiach, nor yourself, have the right or ability to determine what is a legitimate theological premise and what isn’t.”

Perhaps not; but the Torah and, al pi daas Chazal, does. And this is clearly over that line.

“The roshei yeshiva of YU, just like HaRav Aharon Lichtenstein, shlita, endorse fully service of all bnei torah in Tzahal. See Sotah 44b.”

And R’ Shteinman, R’ Chaim Kanievesky, R’ Ovadya Yoesef, and R’ Shmuel Aurebach, to name just a few, strongly disagree.

“In addition, Hazal and the Rambam mandate one to work for a living. The torah is not a means for self-glorification and that is what ends up happening, sadly.”

As mdd pointed out, we do not hold like that Rambam li’halacha. If we did, it would be assur for any Rov, Rebbi or Rosh Yeshiva to receive a salary.

Avi K:

They should definitely be doing something useful with their lives. The question is only if going to the army will put them in situation that is harmful to their spiritual well-being.