Reply To: Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft Reply To: Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft


RebdonieL “Freedom is not free. It comes at a cost and with considerable mesirat nefesh. “

And for countless generations ( okay, about 150 generations if you want to count), the Bnei Yeshiva, and the Baal ha-Battim, having been paying that price. Giving up their livlihoods, and often more (soon in Eretz Yisrael it will be a crime for 18-21 boys to learn Torah, though in all fairness Israeli prisons are nicer than the Nazi or Soviet ones). for the sake of learning Torah. We might not be glamorous as filling the sky with bombers and marching into battle in fancy uniforms with drums beating and flags flying – but someone we manage to survive, and our enemies seem to end up in the “dustbin” (as one of them called it) of history.