Reply To: Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft Reply To: Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft


Thank you for twisting my words into their exact opposite, thus enhancing the need for a professional English teacher to proofread each one of my posts. I’ll make sure to hire one at the next available opportunity. In the meantime please notice that I meant to say that what happens to us in this world of falsities is partially, but not completely, determined by our moral choices, and it is not at all determined by our preferences e.g. if we have chocolate or vanilla icecream, or whether we choose to be a lawyer, a plumber, or a soldier (all of them honest jobs and all of them necessary to every society). As for our enemies, they already made their (im)moral choice and have decided they are out to murder us G-d forbid, the only doubt is whether they will be successful or whether they will fail, and it is Torah, mitzvot and chessed who determine the outcome, not the IDF budget. Draft the haredim, harass those who do serve in the army (see story in today’s front page of this very website), and watch the country crumple. Mightier enemies did.